Jerome McCauley - Online Memorial Website

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Jerome McCauley
Born in United States
44 years
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JP Furnari
Blue Skies Jerry. I only got to meet you a few times, but they were memorable, you're one heck of a personality, and the comradery and friendship you offered shows in those memories and smiles of those that call you "friend".

Mark Guinto

I did my 32nd jump with Jerry, a CRW jump completing my first two-stack & biplane. The following day I participated in a 8-Stack with Jerry docking 8th. He was originally filming the event, but the last guy was unable to dock, so Jerry naturally "filled in" and us crewpups earned our CCR. That was my 37th jump.

At the debrief I was so ecstatic, having just participated in something very amazing; one I'll never forget. Jerry introduced me to his wife and I told her I am also a pilot and this experience was like I flying with the Blue Angels, only better in that I was one of the "pilots" flying a Navy canopy with the Leap Frogs. I had also completed a diamond formation with Jerry, Jim Woods, and Knox Taylor.

He inspired me at 32 jumps, as I had no idea what I was getting into, nor how tough CRW was. I owned a jumpsuit, helmet, goggles and altimeter. He provided the rest.

A few years later I mentioned to him that I wanted to get my AFF Instructor rating. Again he taught and inspired me to become a good instructor. He told me, "my information is valuable, and what you learn from me you pass on from others." He smiled and said, "It's the gift that keeps on giving."

To this day when I train students, coach/AFFI candidates I tell them/teach them what Jerry told me.

In his honor I will be making contributions to the UDT-SEAL Assoc., as well as the NSW Foundation.

Fair winds, and following seas, Jerry



Kevin Keenan
Jerry was a very strong player (both physically and in his teamwork) on the CF World Record Team of 2005. We really missed him at the 2007 CFWR in November, which he could not attend due to overseas committments.

Jerry was a very accomplished CRW flyer and a good guy. He will be missed in the CRW Skies.

Mike Trudell

The CRW community has always been an open famiily, and I think Jerry can take credit for that.  I would arrive at the dropzone and he would always give me a hug and make me feel welcome.  Because of this positive spirit he would bring out the best in me, and in all of us.  I did not experience any petty power plays or jealousy if he was around.  Maybe thats why we all loved him. 

Maybe, in heaven he'll be the first to welcome us with his famous bear hug

Nick DG

Jerry was a big man with a big heart and a sense of humor to match. For years we had a friendly Navy/Marine Corps rivalry going where he'd come up behind me and break into staccato behind the lines radio chatter like only he could do it.


We worked together for years at Perris, and Jerry was always one to be counted on. Sometimes manifest would announce a phone call for Jerry McCauley and add, "Your country needs you," and he'd disappear for a while. Yes, Jerry was a SEAL and a Skydiving Instructor – but he was also so much more than that - he was a friend . . .


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